Selected Work and Code Samples

Research and Data



Python, Research, Tools, Data


Research at CSSL

code and publications:


I worked with the Computational Social Sciences Lab at the University of Southern California for 3 years.

Major projects I have contributed to include:

  • studying hate speech in social media using data from the alt-right racist social network Gab

  • classification of moral sentiment and topic in tweets using data from the Baltimore protests

  • network analyses of Gab and Twitter followings based on the above two points

  • predicting cognitive performance based on media consumption

My primary role was tool creation, including:

  • data acquisition tools

    • for generating corpora , samples, and social network graphs

    • as well as database management tools to store and organize it all

  • combining workflows into general-purpose tools

  • interfaces for these tools



Python, Research, Big Data, Massively Parallel Programming, Sentiment Analysis, Hadoop, Spark, MongoDB


Internships at China Mobile Hong Kong and Financial Data Technologies

code and publications:

  • I cannot provide any code or documents on the basis of confidentiality agreements with my employers.


I have worked two internships in data science with China Mobile Hong Kong and FDTAI, the AI research division of Financial Data Technologies Ltd.

At China Mobile, I wrote scripts to process hourly mobile usage data from their 1.5 million customers using Hadoop, PySpark, and MongoDB. I also initiated and laid the groundwork for a new large-scale KPI analysis project.

At FDTAI, I researched and developed stock market analysis and prediction techniques. Most notably, I developed an experimental system which scraped financial news websites for articles and performed sentiment analysis to predict future changes to the market.