Selected Work and Code Samples
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Software Engineering



My team and I built an app to help support a Capstone class. The app allows the professor teaching the course to manage stakeholders, students, projects, and deliverables. Most importantly, it allows the professor to automatically generate group assignments based on student preferences. It puts everything important in one place for everyone involved.

Key features:

  • allows students and stakeholders to register

  • allows stakeholders to submit projects

  • allows professor to approve projects

  • allows students to rank their preferred projects

  • assigns students to projects based on their preferences (using an algorithm based on network flow)

  • allows professor to manage students within projects

  • allows professor to view data from previous years


Java, React, Software Engineering, Databases, WebApp, Capstone, Team Project




  • Full code and some documentation here


Waterfall, Scrum, Software Engineering, Databases, WebApp, Team Project




  • Rather than code, I will provide our documentation

    • Waterfall

    • Scrum - at the end of each sprint, we did a live demo with our “stakeholder” rather than submit a written deliverable


I built a collage-generation app twice, with two different teams, for a course in Software Engineering. The first time employed a waterfall method while the second employed scrum. The point of the projects was not the coding but rather going through the software development process, from requirements engineering to delivering the finished product.

The product itself is a WebApp that generates a collage based off a topic that the user inputs. It gets images from Google and arranges them “artistically” based on certain guidelines.